
Gender, Feminist Leadership and Grassroots Actions.

2nd, 3rd and 4th march 2020

As part of our leadership building programme we organised a 3 day participatory workhop for grassroots women leaders in Assam. 36 women from 6 districts of Assam attended the programme in Guwahati. The programme was supported by IDeA and Point of View, Mumbai,

# Leadership Building

Thinking About Feminist Today, Talk by Nivedita Menon

10th February 2020

As part of our adovocacy and awareness work, we invited noted feminist Nivedita Menon to talk about feminism in contemporay times. The talk was attened by about 200 persons from various fields in the North-East.

# Advocacy and Awareness Building

Workshop on Feminist Development Justice

27th to 29th August, Cherrapunji, Meghalaya

38 participants attended this leadership, knowledge and networking workshop. We collaborated with FST, APLWD and Thirt World Neywork for this workshop.

# Collectivisation

# Leadersip Building

# Knowledge Production

Story Telling and Comic Workshop with Parismita Singh

3rd October 2019

We conducteda story telling and comic writing workshops with grassroots women's leaders from North East Network, Nagaland. As feminists we use the powerful tool of story telling to amplify women's voices and document their experiences. 12 women participated in the workshop

# Knowledge Production

Year Wise Activities Reports: